Megan Fomby


Note: Faculty & staff contact information is available on the staff directory

Greetings, my name is Megan Fomby. Education is in my DNA and I absolutely LOVE children!!! This year begins my 5th year of teaching and I am delighted to be chosen for such a great profession. My favorite subjects are Math and Science. Learning new things and making a difference in a child's life is what keeps my career exciting. My aspirations in life are to become a mouthpiece for education. I love to mentor, assist, and support new teachers coming into the education field.

During my spare time I love to spend time with my daughter Brooklyn. Reading and crafting are just a few of my hobbies, I also love me some Alabama A&M football "Go Bulldogs"!!!

I am so excited to be joining the Challenger team this upcoming school year. I look forward to achieving goals and making memories with my first grade scholars!!!


B.S. Biology (Alabama A&M University)


ALSDE Elementary Education (K-6)




Additional Certified Staff


Summer Camp Coordinator
After School Director
Kindergarten Teacher 3 years
This is my second year in 1st grade