Flannery Allen

Flannery Allen

Note: Faculty & staff contact information is available on the staff directory

Ms. Allen grew up in the Seattle area and met her now-husband in calculus on the first day of her junior year of high school. Originally, Ms. Allen wanted to be a music teacher, but their calculus teacher made math so fun and exciting that she changed career paths! After graduating college and teaching for a few years, she and her husband got married in 2019, then moved to Huntsville from Seattle at the very start of the pandemic in April 2020. In addition to loving mathematics, Ms. Allen enjoys painting, playing the violin, coaching swim, and cuddling her two kitties and her dog. Ms. Allen's family is growing in September 2021 with the birth of their daughter!


B.A. Mathematics with Music Minor (Whitworth University)
Master in Teaching (Whitworth University)


ALSDE Class B-Secondary Education in Mathematics






Math Teacher, Kentridge High School - 2016-2019
Swim Coach, Kentridge High School - 2016-2020
Math Teacher, Northwood Middle School - 2019-2020
Math Teacher, Grissom High School - 2020 - Present