Melanie Berbrier

Melanie Berbrier

Note: Faculty & staff contact information is available on the staff directory

I am excited to be returning to teach our Seniors this year, and will be taking on a new adventure as well:
yearbook! It is a pleasure to teach at the 12th grade level and ensure students are well-prepared for their next stage of life, whether plans entail attending college, trade school, entering the military, or joining the work force full time.

Growing up, my family moved quite often and I have lived in Georgia, Tennessee, Florida, Texas, Mississippi, and in 2010, added Alabama to the list when I moved to Huntsville. My interests include movies, theater, music, writing, exercise, and getting in over my head on DIY home projects. In addition to my husband and (teenage) children, I have an elderly Italian Greyhoud, two parakeets, and two goldfish.


B.A. in English, Florida Southern College
M.A. in Teaching, University of Alabama in Huntsville


ALSDE Class A - Secondary Education, English Language Arts






Before teaching, I worked as a scriptwriter in the audio advertising industry from 1995-2019.