Board of Education
The Huntsville City Schools are under the direction of a five-person elected Board of Education, with its powers and duties set by Alabama law. Members of the board are elected to serve four-year terms and each represents a geographic area in the city. Board members appoint the Superintendent, unlike other cities in which the Superintendent runs for elected office. The board meets twice a month.
Discover who your school board or city council representative is by using the City of Huntsville Map Services.
Board Meetings
Board meetings are generally held on the third Tuesday of each month.
Work sessions, held on the first Tuesday of each month, are meetings in which the superintendent and administration keep the Board of Education informed and to present information to the BOE for consideration and discussion.
For information about speaking at a board meeting please refer to the Citizen Comments section of the Standing Rules for Board of Education Bylaws below.
To contact the board, please visit the Constituent Services Form.