HCS Hosts Impact Aid Kickoff Event

October 20, 2022

Representatives from Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville City Schools, Madison City Schools, and Madison County Schools gathered today at Grissom High school to kick off the annual Impact Aid survey period.  Leaders from each organization spoke about the importance of the program and how it directly benefits students and the community.

Redstone Arsenal Garrison Commander COL Brian Cozine said, “This is where it all begins.  Our education, our growth, our ability to be successful across what we do – it starts here at the schools.”

Impact Aid provides school districts with additional federal dollars to help support resources in classrooms based on the numbers of parents and/or guardians who work or live on Redstone Arsenal or other federal properties, are on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces, or who live in federal/public housing communities.

“Impact Aid helps our districts by provided them much needed funding for the programs of Huntsville’s tomorrow,” said HCS Superintendent Christie Finley, adding that “in our community, we are incredibly blessed by our partnership with Redstone Arsenal.”

The Impact Aid Survey Window is open now through Thursday, November 3, 2022.

For more information, including links to both the online and downloadable forms, please visit the Impact Aid Survey Window page.

Superintendents from Huntsville City, Madison City, and Madison County pose with COL Cozine from Redstone Arsenal for the Impact Aid Kickoff Event